Generating leads from your social media pages can be a difficult proposition for any company. It can seem like an inexact science at times, which frustrates many marketers. That frustration is doubled for business to business marketers. Business to consumer companies have the advantage of a much broader customer base. The trick with B2B is finding the right people, which can be hard with social media sites that have well over a hundred million users.
So, what has worked in the past for B2B marketers? LinkedIn remains the champion of B2B. The main reason for this is pretty simple, everyone on LinkedIn is in a business. You can also find specific people within a company that you need to talk to. LindedIn has recently made it more difficult to connect with people that you haven't met, but it can still be a good search tool.
While LinkedIn is the heavy weight in the B2B category, Facebook and Twitter are starting to climb the ranks. However, the tactics are going to be different. Simply interacting and engaging with other businesses posts can be an effective strategy. It shows support to their company and it also keeps yourself top of mind with them. The goal of the content you post should be to position yourself as an expert in your field. This isn't a short process, but it can be very valuable down the road.
Another good social networking site for B2B is Google+. It seems to be getting overlooked by many marketers, but it has a lot of benefits. First and foremost, it's the social networking site built by the most important search engine on the internet. That should be enough of a reason to get started with Google+. It is also easy to connect with other businesses by adding them your Circles. Another nice part of Google+ is the Communities feature. Communities are groups of people with similar interests or goals. Joining local community groups as well as industry specific communities is a good idea.
There may not be one easy way to generate leads on social media for B2B, but there are several different ways to go about trying. At the very least, these options help raise brand awareness and can be used as research tools.